I discovered only this year that there did indeed exist a movie for this series... just watching the trailer made it look like a joke. I was disappointed by their wings not looking white and fluffy... and also the way they talked about Luce behind her back making it feel very "high school drama" like.
I decided to watch the movie anyways, knowing it would probably not be to my taste... but yikes!!! They botched so much of the original stuff!
And SPOILER ALERT if you haven't read the book or watched the movie beware.
There was a lot of stuff I could forgive the movie for botching and in all honesty I loved and appreciated the intro with the story of the Fallen angels (as we aren't given as detailed explanation in the books till way later?).
But the ending? The fucking ending?????
So Daniel takes off to fight Cam, this was not well done, it didn't seem logical based on how the movie progressed. It lacked soo much context.
I know they fight in the book as well but in the book Cam kissed Luce (I'm rereading it atm I can't remember all the details 100% sorry if I eff up somewhere) and then Daniel suckerpunched Cam. Then the other fallen arrives and one of them takes Luce to Sophia and Luce is like "oh no will Daniel be okay" and A is like "yeah it's Cam you should be worried about" or something.
In the movie Daniel and Luce have a kissing scene here instead. Cam is just yelling "you will die! Don't do it!" and then they kissed and it was sooo anticlimactic... and then they fight? Because why? It is not like Cam actually loves Luce and that just make it seem like high school drama but these are old fallen angels... couldn't they have more context than that?
I am bad at getting to the point tho.
The thing I really hated was that Daniel hands Luce over to Sophia. You know how long she is in the hands of Sophia? A maximum of 2 and a half minutes.
Sophia takes Luce. Penn gets her thraot slit awkwardly, again no context. Luce flails on the stair. Boom Daniel is back. Sophia vanishes. He flies off with Luce and you as viewer have no fucking idea why anything happened ever!
Also Molly is made Sophias sidekick? I won't comment too much on that because I don't remember if she was in any way involved with Sophia... don't think she was but I am open to being wrong.
Small annoying stuff:
Meatloaf scene wasn't in the movie =
The way Penn and Luce met was just... not the same?
In the movie Daniel draws Luce and not a landscape in the library (but I get they may have needed something to get them connected easier in the movie because the flashbacks might've confused the viewer? I know I didn't like the flashbacks to the past, they were hard to understand/would be hard to understand if you didn't know more)
LUCE HAD LONG HAIR !! I hated this. Arriane and Luce bonded over L cutting A's hair!
Arriane didn't have a bracelet around her (the shock bracelet mind you)
Randy is... a man??
Was mr. Cole even in the movie?? You know?? The man who helps Luce get away in a helicopter or plane or whatever it was in the books??
The school is presented more like an insane asylum than anything else... and everything is in the same building?? I get it might be difficult to get everything exactly the same but still.. I needed the ugly gray buildings and the unkempt grass and wines and kudzi beans that swayed in the wind (I'm not native english speaker, Kudzi beans might not be the right word).
The wings... sigh
Daniel never took her to the lake.
Cam never had a picnic in the graveyard
The parents never came to the "students-parents" day
Luce is not taken to a real hospital but kept in a room that reaaallly confirms the whole "asylum" vibe.
And idk.I just... if people watch the movie I don't think anyone will want to read the books. They will think "wow... this is... interesting" and never watch the movie again or bother to search and find out there exists books that the movie was based upon.
And I do apologize for this messy post and for any mistake on my part. It has been a few weeks since I watched the movie so I might misremember some stuff. Overall I was just disappointed and the movie felt like a joke to the series. It didn't do its justice.
And yes I created a profile just to vent about this.